We have developed many custom applications to meet specific needs of clients
Apartment Database
When this real estate developer, sought a means to show their rental vacancies, we developed a database which would capture the information and present it to the public in an appealing manner. Now all the clients need to do is search for that perfect location, and be ready to move in.
New Home Database
When this new home developer sought to show their model homes in an appealing manner we developed a database to do it. The clients can imagine the dream home, discover the possibilities and be ready to purchase.
Vehicle Database
This Peterbilt dealer needed to capture very specific information about his used vehicles, and then present that to his clients, our database solution accomplished that. Now the buyers can easily view inventory, appraise features, and make the purchase.
Wine Store Database
Finding the right wine is a great challenge, the buyers have so many options to choose from, we provided their cleints with a means to narrow down the search criteria to choose the perfect wine, beer or spirit. The evening will be a charm.
Accommodation Database
What makes the perfect vacation accommodation, and where can it be found? This database enables client to find quality discounted accommodation. The perfect getaway!
Contractor Database
This general contractor deals with a multitude of clients, sub-contractors, and a great variety of products and services. To keep track they turned to Pemberley to build a web based application to track the diverse information an permit the team to track both the status of various jobs, but the scheduling as well. We delivered a custom solution which displays well on both desktops and mobile devices.
Nail Technician Site
This web site was built for a licensed nail technician to promote both products and work, and to provide a professional presentation of her skills.
Business Card
This business card was designed to complement a licensed nail technician's website, and to promote new business.
Here is the back of the card:

Flooring Site
This web site was built for a full service flooring company. They offering a complete range of flooring products and installations for both residential and commercial clients. They also design and build custom showers, and are the local Benjamin Moore Paint retailer.
The site was designed to visually highlight the products and services they provide as well as to demonstrate their professional installation.
Photography/Local Information
This site contains information on the local area, mostly in photography